With more than two decades of experience, and with quality and simplicity as our guiding principles, at Catering El Cine, we wake up every day with the challenge of continuing to advance and improve our services with one goal in mind: your peace of mind. We aim to make your event unique and to meet your expectations. With a recognized gastronomic tradition and a full dedication to our clientele, we renew our commitment every day to making your needs our own.

Because our goal is your satisfaction, at Catering El Cine we take care of every detail, making your celebration exclusive. We handle the decoration and all the details so that you only have to worry about enjoying the moment.

We know that no two styles are alike, so we provide close and personalized attention. Because the best event is only the result of professionalism and hard work, we guarantee our expertise, from the venue to the kitchen, from the service to the details.

At Catering El Cine, the key lies in the pillars of quality, perfection, and the personalization of each event. We adapt to your needs and go wherever you need us.

Catering El Cine.